MissionSAFE is fortunate to receive ongoing support from many generous corporations, colleges and universities, and individual volunteers. Some partnerships allow us expand our program offerings, others provide youth with a glimpse of an office setting through job shadowing programs, or hosting youth for leadership development opportunities. Many volunteers help our youth to learn a new hobby or skill. Some organizations may wish to come by for a clean up day. Our work is greatly enhanced by the efforts of the various entities who interact with our youth.
We are deeply indebted to those who take time to be with us, and in order to maximize the experience for both volunteers and our organization MissionSAFE carefully crafts opportunities to support our programs.
MissionSAFE is supported by the generosity of a variety of corporate and private foundations who help us to fulfill our mission. We'd like to thank the following for their commitment to our youth:
Alden Trust
The Amelia Peabody Foundation
Boston Children’s Hospital
Brigham & Womens Hospital Health Equity Grant
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Howland Gardiner Shaw Foundation
The Johnson Family Foundation
Liberty Mutual
Massachusetts General Hospital
The Mission Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Trust
The Roy A. Hunt Foundation
The State Street Foundation
The TJX Foundation
Throughout the year, MissionSAFE recieves support from many generous corporations who donate their valuable time to help our teens.
There are many different ways that companies can support our work: hosting an office tour or onsite workshop, providing a summer internship placement or coming to our facility for a beautification day.
Colleges & Universities
MIssionSAFE receives critical support from college students who are looking to make a difference in the lives of teens. From tutoring our teens, to helping facilitate great workshops (like Health Eating with Samantha Gafford) and Whole Foods, collegiate volunteers are a critical component to our work.
We're very fortunate to have the ongoing support of the 4Boston program at Boston College and other volunteers from Lasell College, Simmons College, MassArt and can always use more help.
Research shows that a supportive relationship with a caring adult is among the factors that help a young person to develop resiliency. MissionSAFE teens benefit greatly from the one-on-one attention that they receive from individuals who volunteer for the organization, as well as the skill development they experience.
Can you teach poetry, dance, music, coding or website development? Contact George Richardson at George.Richardson@missionsafe.org to share your skills and help our teens.